Nicole Young seeking close to $2M in monthly spousal support from Dr. Dre
Nicole Young, the soon to be ex wife of Dr Dre is asking for, let’s just say a lot of money in monthly spousal support. The two announced they were getting divorced after 24 years and it’s looking like the process is gonna get very ugly. Nicole is asking for $2 million a month in spousal support as well as $5 million in legal fees. In court documents Nicole says she’s having a hard time paying her bills since Dre has control of all of their assets. She also alleges that Dre kicked her out of their 43,000-square-foot Brentwood mansion, April 1, “in the middle of the night” and “in a drunken rage.” She says Dre texted her “Do not spend one more cent… You can’t be mean and disrespectful and spend my hard-earned money. F–k that!” The court documents also give us a idea of what it’s like to be the Youngs lavish lifestyle — including five LA residences, multimillion-dollar private jet and yacht trips, numerous luxury cars, and an army of staff including a private chef, 12 security guards, 7 housekeepers, and more. A prenup was supposedly in place but Nicole said since he’d ripped it up before their wedding, she assumed it was null and void.