Today Is National Drink Wine Day . . . How Many Glasses Do You Usually Put Down in One Sitting?
Today is National Drink Wine Day, because clearly everyone is struggling to find an excuse to drink wine these days.So . . . when you’re drinking wine, how many glasses do you usually put down in one sitting? According to a survey, 74% of people have one or two glasses. But 9% drink at least five glasses . . . or just finish the entire bottle. 18% of people say merlot is their favorite type of wine, and 16% say zinfandel. Coming in third? Quote, “I don’t know my wine types.” The survey also found 9% of people say wine gives them worse hangovers than any other type of alcohol . . . 9% always buy boxed wine . . . and 3% always cry when they drink wine.
A 29 year radio veteran, Melissa has made notable media appearances including serving as a judge and correspondent on the Emmy Award-winning TV show Community Auditions, Phantom Gourmet, Chronicle and many more. Additionally, Melissa won a Gracie Award in 2019 for her work as Co-Host of The GetUp Crew with Ramiro, Pebbles, Melissa & Leroy. She volunteered coaching cheerleading for 20 years. Melissa is a social influencer who creates videos promoting area businesses, movies, concerts and other lifestyle events.