Thanksgiving-Flavored Ice Cream . . . Made with Real Pieces of Turkey?
This seems unnecessary and over-the-top. So in 2021, it’s of course an actual thing someone’s selling . . .
The ice cream brand Salt & Straw is selling a new line of THANKSGIVING flavors . . . including one made with real turkey. (???)
The flavor is called Caramelized Turkey and Cranberry Sauce, and it’s got “turkey BACON” mixed in. So, not actual hunks of light and dark meat. But still . . . ice cream with turkey in it.
The other ingredients are cranberry sauce, thyme, and ground pepper. It’s one of five Thanksgiving flavors they’re selling as part of their “Friendsgiving Series.”
The other four flavors are: House Rolls with Salted Buttercream . . . Sweet Potato Pie with Double-Baked Almond Streusel . . . Pumpkin and Gingersnap Pie . . . and Candied Walnut Cheesecake.
You can get a variety pack with all five flavors at It’s $65, plus shipping. (The Takeout)