A Study Found These Are the Best and Worst Behaved Dog Breeds
Here’s some good info for anyone thinking about getting a puppy for Christmas. A new study ranked the naughtiest breeds, and the best-behaved.
They did it by looking at thousands of Instagram posts where people complained about their dogs misbehaving . . . or bragged about what a GOOD dog they were. And there was a clear winner in the NAUGHTIEST dog category.
Japanese Spitz is the worst-behaved dog overall. They’re a fairly small dog . . . 10 to 25 pounds . . . with bright white fur and pointy ears. 87% of Instagram posts about them had to do with bad behavior.
The rest of the five naughtiest breeds are the Wirehaired Vizsla, which are hunting dogs . . . Chugs, which are half-Chihuahua, half-Pug . . . Shichons, which are a cross between a Shih Tzu and a Bichon Frise . . . and Poochons, which are half-Bichon Frise, half-Toy Poodle. Welsh Terriers and Springer Spaniels also made the list.
The BEST-behaved were Korean Jindos, which are a medium-sized dog. 76% of posts about them were positive. Rhodesian Ridgebacks . . . Portuguese Water Dogs . . . Rat Terriers . . . and Miniature Pinschers also made the nice list.
The study also looked at the U.S. states where people complain about their dogs the most. The states with the naughtiest dogs are Kansas, North Carolina, and South Dakota. The states that complain the least are Maryland, Maine, and Indiana.