Jada Pinkett Smith’s side piece, August Alsina speaks about Oscar slap
Many people have had a lot to say about Will Smith’s slapping of Chris Rock. Someone else who’s had a lot to say since Sunday night is the man who’s kinda in the backround of this whole thing…August Alsina. August of course is the man who Jada openly admitted having an “entanglement” with and who until now has kinda been flying under the radar. He threw up a bizarre post on IG yesterday that has a lot of people scratching their heads. “Choose peace; trusting that life’s intricate puzzle pieces [puzzle emoji] are all forming together for the greater good and mastering of the seasonally sometime chaotic nature of your life’s art piece that’s being formed and painted by birthing life to your internal masterpiece,” and when an IG user told him he was speaking in morse code, he responded ‘I am a walking billboard and network simply desiring to televise and broadcast love, the love grace and healing embrace of God, good music that’s healing and a little bit of nasty.” One IG user wrote “now I’m convinced you didn’t write any of your songs.”