“Tom Brady needs to retire NOW! Here’s why.” ~ Leroy Irvin
When the news broke Sunday that Tom Brady will be getting a personal day every Wednesday for the rest of the season, I instantly rolled my eyes and said out loud, “Just retire bro!” We’ve all heard the rumors that Brady is having issues at home. If true, I wish him the best, but who doesn’t have personal issues?
I know many of you are still drunk off the Tom Brady GOAT Kool-Aid. I understand that his legacy is undeniable, and I absolutely appreciate what he means to Pats nation and the Boston sports scene, but my god, y’all can’t be this blind.
The special treatment that he receives, flat out goes against everything we praised him for over the past 20 plus years. During that time we gave Brady credit for his leadership, work ethic, competitiveness, taking no days off, and for having “laser focus”, but now taking Wednesdays off every week is ok?
I know that in this world people do receive special treatment, but nobody likes it when you’re on the other side and it’s thrown in your face.
Do any of you like it when someone at work gets special treatment and it’s thrown in your face? The answer is no, and you’re a liar if you say otherwise.
It’s great that Brady has all the championships, records, etc, but if I’m a young player on his team, I’m trying to get mine. His absence and questionable commitment wouldn’t sit well with me. I thought teamwork makes the dream work… but in Brady’s case, apparently not. Give me a break!
This is just my opinion, but I would love to know what you think. Leave a comment and let’s discuss! If you want to keep the debate going, head on over to the Getup Crew Facebook page, the Hot 96.9 Facebook page or to www.hot969boston.com.