Do This One Thing Every Morning If You Don’t Want To Gain Weight This Holiday Season!
If you have listened to us lately you have probably heard us talk about our recent weight loss and our desire to keep it off, so we are listening when it comes to great dieting advice.

(Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)
Only Santa needs to gain weight for the holidays!
Have you said to yourself this year I will not gain the “holiday weight”?, If so, then there is one thing according to experts that you must do everyday, preferably in the morning and with no clothes on. What is it?
If you were thinking some sort of wacky exercise or other aerobic pursuit, you would be wrong, because the only thing you have to do is, step up, and step on it.
It All Starts at Thanksgiving!
You don’t need to obsess over a pound or two. But research has found doing this once a day really can help.
Weigh the benefits!
One study in 2015 had 50 overweight people follow the same diet plan for six months. And the ones who weighed themselves every day lost an average of 13 pounds more than people who didn’t weigh in as much.
Researchers found it made them more mindful about things like late-night snacking. And it also encouraged them to exercise more.
Another study tracked 162 people for two years and had similar results. People were more likely to slim down if they weighed themselves daily. And tracking their results also helped.
So what’s the best time of day to step on a scale? Experts say first thing in the morning is usually best. You get the most consistent results that way, and you’re less likely to forget. (Consumer Reports)
Roll out of bed and do your business, then jump on the scale!
We wish you luck with your battle against the bulge, but just remember, it’s better to know the true numbers rather than being blind to them and waking up January 1st to a big surprise!