Millions Of Dollars In Massachusetts Lottery Remain Unclaimed
Millions of dollars in Massachusetts lottery remain unclaimed. It is now June of 2024 and there are several prizes that have remained unclaimed. As a matter of fact, a $1 million Powerball prize, a $100,000 Mass Cash grand prize, and three $50,000 Powerball prizes won on tickets sold in Massachusetts for drawings that took place in the summer of 2023 have yet to be claimed and are nearing expiration.
So where will the money go if the winner does not claim it? According to a press release from the Massachusetts State Lottery: “the net profit that the Lottery returns to the Commonwealth for distribution to all 351 cities and towns.” It is unclear how many lottery tickets go unclaimed in Massachusetts each year. But we want to ensure that this particular ticket is claimed. If you know anyone who plays this lottery game and may have purchased their ticket at this location, call them. Who knows? Maybe they’ll share some of their profit with you.
In the meantime, don’t forget to check out our list of scratch tickets in Massachusetts with the best odds to win in June. Every month we let you know which tickets have the most unclaimed prizes and best odds. June is no different. Best of luck!