A three year old boy who went missing in Australia was found as he was drinking in a stream… One year old twins conjoined at the head were separated in Israel, and this was the first operation of its kind in the country… A Las Vegas man was cited for public intoxication after growling like a dog, flipping the bird, and yelling Joe Biden’s name… After a hit and run, a man said all hail Donald Trump and was arrested… South Carolina Lawyer who was shot in the head is now being charged with taking money from his law firm… A former NASA engineer spent a year building the world’s tallest volcano, it sent goo 250ft into the sky… A Sandwich, Massachusetts man faced charges for dragging a boat behind his car… A mass of pizza dough has started to grow in a dumpster, it started as a blob but is now pouring out onto the concrete… An Ohio motorcyclist was killed after a kayak hit him, it fell off a trailer… An Oklahoma man is behind bars after he shot his own mother…