January is International Creativity Month. The celebration was started in 2002 by Dr. Eric Maisel who is a creativity coach and author. He started it to encourage people to embrace their inner creativity, and to look for new ways of self-expression. We all express creativity in different ways. So take the time this January to set yourself up for a creative 2024. To get you started, we’ll look at some of the ways you can boost your creativity and in turn, enrich your life.
What exactly is creativity?
According to Britannica, creativity is “the ability to make or otherwise bring into existence something new, whether a new solution to a problem, a new method or device, or a new artistic object or form.” One of my favorite quotes about creativity is by Maya Angelou. She said, “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use the more you have.” How great is that thought. People often say they’re not creative, but this quote says to me that, yes you are, you just need to try.
Boost your creativity – the benefits
There are so many benefits to being creative. Some are pretty obvious, and others you may not have even thought of. Creativity is known to improve your mental and physical health in several ways. Whether it’s through dancing, painting, singing, or just playing, creativity is known to help: improve your mood, relieve anxiety and stress, and even boost your immune system. It’s also known to be important in the workplace. Workspaces that encourage a creative environment are known to build better teamwork, reduce workplace stress, and helps to keep employees motivated.
So what can you do to boost your creativity and to make your life richer? There are several ways that can put you on track to living a full and creative life. So let’s dive in. Pick one and get started today.