Changing the world one dance step at a time!
Thanks to Kristin for bringing Ami and Claire to my attention for the good they’ve done.
From Kristin…
They are two local Zumba instructors who have been holding Saturday classes virtually throughout COVID since we couldn’t all get together.
What makes it special, is that they have been joining forces & bringing each of their groups to this weekly class to raise money for a chosen charity each month.
It’s called the Saturday Seriez and a ton of fun, open to anyone!
So far they have been able to help out:
Somerville Homeless Coalition
Feeding America
Louis D. Brown Peace Institute
The Network / La Red
The Boston Living Center
Community Conversations: Sister to Sister
Lynn Shelter Association
Haley House
The Gifted Arts, Inc.
If you’d like to get in touch with Ami and Claire, you can email them at
This is awesome ladies! Keep changing the world one dance step at a time!