Wait til you Hear ODB’s Fantasy Remix Story!
This has to be one of the best stories you’ll hear today. Mariah Carey’s hit song “Fantasy Remix” featured ODB and the story of how ODB came to record on the track is out. From drunk nights to long naps, you HAVE to hear this:
the story of Mariah Carey getting Ol' Dirty Bastard on the "Fantasy (Remix)" is a 10/10 and could honestly be made into a movie (via @billboard) pic.twitter.com/l7Pcsmy9sA the story of Mariah Carey getting Ol' Dirty Bastard on the "Fantasy (Remix)" is a 10/10 and could honestly be made into a movie (via @billboard) pic.twitter.com/l7Pcsmy9sA
?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 5, 2018/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1059580897492721664&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fbossip.com%2F1678959%2Fpure-comedy-mariah-careys-team-went-through-hilarious-hellto-get-odb-on-fantasy-remix-43081%2Fthe story of Mariah Carey getting Ol' Dirty Bastard on the "Fantasy (Remix)" is a 10/10 and could honestly be made into a movie (via @billboard) pic.twitter.com/l7Pcsmy9sA
— Andrew Barber (@fakeshoredrive)the story of Mariah Carey getting Ol' Dirty Bastard on the "Fantasy (Remix)" is a 10/10 and could honestly be made into a movie (via @billboard) pic.twitter.com/l7Pcsmy9sA
— Andrew Barber (@fakeshoredrive) November 5, 2018