#1072 Pair of Labrador Retrievers Found inside Truck That Crashed into a House Download

14:32 Download August 11th, 2021

A landlord was arrested for burglary for entering his tenant’s apartment and trying to sniff her underwear… A United Airlines flight was evacuated after a teenager sent a photo of an airsoft gun to other passengers via AirDrop…. Man passed away from injuries after being shot with a crossbow while trying to kill a skunk… The College Square Mall showed footage of a bear trying to find its way into a movie theater… A 23 year old woman has become the second social media star to plummet to her death while taking a selfie… An Australian active wear firm has been fined 5 million dollars because its clothing “stopped the spread of covid-19”… Women intentionally caused the death of a man with a beebee gun… Police responded to a truck crash, but they didn’t find a driver, they found 2 Labrador Retrievers… A Russian worker chased a robber out of the store with a double ended dildo… A late night snack run led to an all-out brawl at a local pizza shop…7 people were killed and 8 others were injured by a sandstorm in Utah…

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