Do you consider yourself a good tipper? When you tip, which percentage do you typically leave? The website has released new data that reveals where people are tipping the most across the country. The website is a travel site that normally focuses on points and rewards but put this list out earlier this week. They aren’t just referring to tipping at restaurants. They focus on bars, restaurants, delivery services, driving services and more. The founder of “Upgraded Points says “The income of service employees depends on tipping in America. This is especially true in restaurants, but also in delivery services and other service industries… Our study revealed some surprising facts about this practice in the U.S. – for instance, it is not always those living in the wealthiest states who tip the most.”
As far as statistics go, according to this survey the stingiest state for tipping according to Upgraded Points data, is California, with 74.5 percent of residents tipping their servers 15 percent or below. Oregon came in second. Rounding out the top 5 is Idaho, Maryland and Wisconsin.
As far as who tips and for what, a total of 87.8% of people surveyed say they tip no matter what. However, over 70% say they won’t tip on take out or if they have to pick food up themselves.
Let’s take a look at the best tipping states and the worst tipping states in America, the top 5.