Melissa’s Blog


Diddy Has 50 Foot Bed In Backyard, See The Hilarious Reactions

Diddy Has 50 Foot Bed In Backyard. Yup, it's true. And a video proving such is making the rounds online. A viral video seemingly shot with a drone is going around showing Diddy's backyard and in the middle is a gigantic bed. The video also shows a person jumping on the bed showing just exactly how big it is with a human on it. No word who the person is. Diddy being investigated for sexual assault and sex trafficking All of this of course is smack dab in the middle of an investigation into Diddy and numerous sexual assault lawsuits against him. You'll also remember a video circulated online of Diddy beating his then girlfriend Cassie Ventura in a hotel. Ever since this video surfaced, people have come out of the woodwork with their own stories of incidents they had with Diddy. Diddy has yet to be charged in any crime As of today (July 24) Diddy has yet to be charged in any crime. His houses were raided back in March. Both of Diddy's Miami and Los Angeles homes were raided by homeland security. These raids were spawned by multiple lawsuits that allege abuse and sexual assault by multiple victims spanning over 30 years. There have been several rumors that grand jury hearings have been held and that indictments could be forthcoming. But none of that has come to fruition. Going back to the 50 foot bed in Diddy's backyard, as you can expect social media has had a lot to say about it. Below are some of the more notable reactions.

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