Today is Pi Day! What is Pi Day? 3/14/23 which is also the mathematical A day that is celebrated world wide by us all. Pi Day is an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π. Pizza is one of the most perfect foods ever created. There isn’t one person in the world who hasn’t tried pizza at least once. And for many of us, pizza is our favorite food. If you were on a deserted island and could only eat one food for the rest of your life, for many of us it would be pizza. So many debate have been taking place over the years about which city has the best pizza, also which pizza places reign supreme here in Boston and even which toppings should and shouldn’t go on pizza. For the record, pineapple is completely acceptable.
We have searched far and wide (we’ve asked our listeners) who makes the best pizza in and around Boston. This could be a chain or a hole in the wall. It really doesn’t matter. All that matters is that YOU approve. Hundreds of you have given your answers. We’ve taken a handful of them and listed them below. These answers are in no particular order. If you feel your favorite hasn’t been mentioned, feel free to continue the conversation on our Facebook page.