There are weird laws in every state in the United States. There are laws in each state where, when you hear them, you think “this can’t be accurate.” Yes they seem a little strange, but they are 100% true. Fox News recently posted the strangest laws in each state. Some of those laws don’t apply anymore and most are rarely enforced. However there are many that are still on the books. Let’s focus on those. If you want to see the full list, CLICK HERE.
Massachusetts - If you sing the national anthem in public, you have to sing the whole thing.
No stopping halfway through, or you could be fined $100.
Section 9
Skip to Content April 29, 2024 | 66°F Section 9.
California - frog eating
You can’t eat frogs that died in a frog-jumping competition.
Any person who conducts a place of business where frogs are sold to the public for food, or who takes or possesses frogs for sale to, or for use by, educational or scientific institutions for scientific purposes, may possess only at the place of business any number of frogs which have been legally obtained pursuant to this code or regulations adopted by the commission...
Colorado - no upholstery
No upholstery on outdoor furniture. The exception is if you’re selling it in a yard sale.
Indiana - no catching fish with bare hands
No catching fish with your bare hands, and no DYNAMITE either.
Kansas - kids over 14 can't use playgrounds
Kids over 14 can’t use playgrounds.
Kentucky - reptiles can't be used in religious services
Reptiles can’t be used in religious services.
Ky. Rev. Stat. § 437.060
Read Section 437.060 - Use of reptiles in religious services, Ky. Rev. Stat. § 437.060, see flags on bad law, and search Casetext's comprehensive legal database
Maine - no gambling at the airport
No gambling at the airport.
Gambling Control Unit
Gambling Control Unit Department of Public Safety 45 Commerce Drive, Suite 3 87 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333 Main (207) 626-3900 Fax (207) 287-4356
Michigan - A 1913 law made it illegal to be drunk on a train.
Mississippi - No swearing in public if two or more people are around.
No swearing in public if two or more people are around.
2019 Mississippi Code :: Title 97 - Crimes :: Chapter 29 - Crimes Against Public Morals and Decency :: In General :: § 97-29-47. Profanity or drunkenness in public place
Justia Free Databases of US Laws, Codes & Statutes
Nebraska - Technically, you can't get married if you have an STD.
Technically, you can’t get married if you have an STD.
Nebraska Legislature
Nebraska Legislature
New Hampshire - no collecting seaweed at night
Nighttime Seaweed Ban Deemed New Hampshire's Dumbest Law
Students at Newport Middle High School have won a contest that challenged them to find "New Hampshire's Dumbest Law."
New Mexico - No dancing while wearing a sombrero.
No dancing while wearing a sombrero.
New Mexico's Most Ridiculous Laws - The Roosevelt Review
Every state has some ridiculous laws, like in Texas it is illegal to sell your eye, or in Montana you may just get arrested for annoying bystanders with a revolving water sprinkler. New Mexico is no exception to the fact that there are just some ridiculous laws in place that either people don't know exist [...]
Pennsylvania - No explosives at weddings. You can't fire a gun either.
No explosives at weddings. You can’t fire a gun either.
It is contrary to Pennsylvania law to discharge a gun, cannon, revolver or other explosive weapon at a wedding.
9.24.020 Carrying a concealed weapon. It is unlawful for any person other than a law enforcement officer to carry concealed about his person, in any manner, a revolver, pistol or other firearm or knife (other than an ordinary pocketknife), or a dirk or dagger, slingshot, metal knuckles or an instrument by the use of which...
South Carolina - man seducing a woman
It’s illegal for a man to seduce a woman by promising to marry her if he doesn’t mean it. You can get up to a year in jail for it.
Code of Laws - Title 16 - Chapter 15 - Offenses Against Morality And Decency
Title 16 - Crimes and Offenses Offenses Against Morality and Decency Any person who is married who shall marry another person shall, unless: (1) His or her husband or wife has remained continually for seven years beyond the sea or continually absented himself or herself from such person for the
South Dakota - You can't use fireworks to protect sunflowers from birds.
You can’t use fireworks to protect sunflowers from birds.
6 Strange Ag-Related Laws
Fireworks can be used to protect crops in South Dakota
Tennessee - Unless you have a permit, you can't keep a skunk as a pet.
Unless you have a permit, you can’t keep a skunk as a pet.
It Makes Scents
I vividly remember raccoon hunting with some folks in East Tennessee on a February night when the dogs struck. "Not much of a race," said one hunter. "Sounds like he treed something in a hole. Hope it ain't a dark polecat." Unfortunately, that's just what it was.
Utah - You can't buy beer in containers larger than two liters. So, no kegs.
You can’t buy beer in containers larger than two liters. So, no kegs.
Frequently Asked Questions - DABS
Want to bring alcohol to Utah? What are the liquor laws in Utah? Where can you drink in Utah? Find answers to our FAQs!
Virgina - No hunting within 200 yards of a church on Sundays.
No hunting within 200 yards of a church on Sundays.
General Information & Hunting Regulations
General information regarding hunting including permitted animals, permitted weapons, permitted times, and permitted locations.
Washington - Shoe stores can't use X-ray machines to find a shoe that fits.
Shoe stores can’t use X-ray machines to find a shoe that fits.
RCW 70A.388.190: Prohibition-Fluoroscopic X-ray shoefitting devices.
The operation or maintenance of any X-ray, fluoroscopic, or other equipment or apparatus employing roentgen rays, in the fitting of shoes or other footwear or in the viewing of bones in the feet is prohibited.
West Virginia - You can't use a ferret to help you hunt.
You can’t use a ferret to help you hunt.
50 bizarre laws that have existed or still exist in America
Do you know a weird lifestyle law in your state? It might be included in this roundup of 50 weird state laws that have existed in America, past and present.