(Photo by Billie Weiss/Getty Images)

We have some relatively attractive people here in New England, right? Apparently not enough of us are New England Patriots fans, at least that’s according to a recent survey by an online betting site.

Lines.com has ranked all 32 NFL teams’ fanbases in order of attractiveness with fans of the Atlanta Falcons coming in at the top.

We’re pretty far down with the Foxboro Faithful coming in somewhere in the mid-20s.

Now before we all take to Twitter to denounce these results, Lines.com didn’t just use our physical attributes in the rankings. Fan behavior counted for some of it too.

“Overall, men and women both found the use of vulgar language to be the most unattractive fan behavior, with women feeling the strongest about it,” according to the study.

“While both genders agreed upon the top three most unattractive fan behaviors, engaging in fan traditions proved more contentious. Men were 4.8 percentage points more likely to find this behavior unattractive than women.”

Other unattractive criteria included consuming alcohol and being confrontational toward opposing fans.

By the way, the study also ranked fanbases of NBA, NHL, and MLB teams as well. We came in 2nd for both the Bruins and the Celtics, and 5th for the Red Sox.

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