Hate to be the bearer of bad news but gas prices in Massachusetts have reached a new record high. I know, I’m sorry! The average price for a regular gallon is now $5! Five freaking dollars! That’s the highest it’s ever been, and 27 cents more than one week ago! A month ago, we were paying $4.35 a gallon, and a year ago, prices were $2.93 a gallon. I don’t know about you, but I’m sick. Analysts say the national average could hit $6 a gallon by Labor Day, and I seriously feel bad for people who planned road trips for the summer. BUT I do have some good news for you. No it’s not lower gas prices, but there are ways to make the gas that you do pay for, last longer. Here are 13 Easy Gas Saving Tips for you thanks to AAA.
Also, make sure you follow Gas Buddy to find the best gas prices near you.
If you need a little comic relief from gas prices, check out this story about Akon’s SUV being stolen while he was filling his tank. Not funny for him, but we all need a little laugh.