How safe is your password? Do you use the same password for all your accounts? Is your name part of your password? Is your password, password? That’s one of the 20 Most Common Passwords Leaked on the Dark Web. According to experts, those are all bad practices for password security. If you live in Rhode Island though, you’re part of the state that’s now #1 for keeping your info safe.
How password security score was calculated did a nationwide study that looked at current practices and which states had the best and worst habits. The factors they took into account: password re-usage, password variation, auto-generated password, password character length, and password duration. Here are some of their key findings:
- A whopping 73.6% of Americans admit that they reuse the same password for multiple account.
- People don’t commonly use auto-generated passwords. About 66% don’t use them.
- The average American uses 27.6 passwords.
The best and the worst states
When it comes to who’s nailing it, Rhode Island is the winner hands down with a 100 out of 100 score! On the complete opposite end of the spectrum is Wisconsin with a 0 out of 100 score. Wow, Wisconsin isn’t even trying. The rest of the best, well at least the top 5 include: Louisiana with 83.62/100, Maine 59.82/100, Maryland 46.57/100, and New Mexico 46.03/100.
Where was Massachusetts? Below average, scoring 33.83/100.
The worst state after Wisconsin with their zero score: Oklahoma at 1.04/100, Mississippi 1.79/100, Alabama 3.94/100, and Nevada at 6.26/100.
It’s scary out there in cyber world
October is Cybersecurity month. Sounds like a good time to get ourselves together when it comes to staying safe online. According to the Cyber infrastructure Security Agency, at least 30% of U.S. home have been infected by malicious software. They also estimate that over 600,000 Facebook accounts are hacked every day. Every. Single. Day. And almost half of American adults have had their personal info exposed by cybercriminals. Scary stuff. And while there are a lot of things that are out of our control, there are some actions that we can take to make our online experience safer.