What the most deadliest roads in Massachusetts? Well now we know, thanks to Moneygeek.com. But before we run them down, let’s take a look at exactly how bad the traffic is in Boston.
Anyone who’s ever driven in Boston has had to endure what seems like some of the worst traffic in the world. Now, we know that feeling is real. According to some new analysis from Inrix.com, Boston traffic is not only the second worst in the country, but it’s the FOURTH worst in the ENTIRE WORLD! “Only drivers in London (156 hours), Chicago (155) and Paris (138) lost more hours in traffic in 2022” according to this study.
But some say traffic is a good thing? Why? According to transportation analyst Bob Pishue, “Congestion shows that the economy is moving. Traffic is a problem, but it’s reflective of people going to the office, running errands, shopping, visiting relatives, which are all good things.” Yeah, but try telling that to the hundreds of thousands of people who sit in traffic on the Expressway every week.
In regards to the busiest and most dangerous roads in Boston, obviously I-93 stands on top and is considered the fourth most congest highway in the entire country! But what are the most dangerous ROADS in Massachusetts? We’ve found out that answer too and unfortunately, they are all within 50 miles of Boston. So before you make your travel plans this weekend, or any other weekend for that matter, consider these roads and take extra precautions. Oh, and as far as which month had the most fatalities last year, it was June. And over half of the fatal accidents in the state involve drunk driving.
So when you’re driving this weekend, be aware of your surroundings. And of course, NEVER drink and drive. These are the deadliest roads that are in the state.