When you tune in to the GetUp Crew on Hot 96.9, you have most definitely experienced the hottest, no pun intended, feature on the show. It’s the Second Date Update, and besides the tune-in for Ramiro, Pebbles, Melissa, and Leroy, it’s the most popular feature on the show. In 2023, there have been so many great Second Date Update scenarios, so we decided to bring out the best and give you The Top 23 Second Date Updates of 2023.
What is the Second Date Update?
For those that don’t know, first of all, where have you been? You can check them out Monday through Friday at 6:10am, 7:10am, 8:10am, and 9:10am on Hot 96.9. So Ramiro, Pebbles, and Melissa try to help out a listener. Someone who has been stood up, rejected, or otherwise ghosted. That’s when we go in and try to get to the bottom of the situation. Person #1 will let us know what the issue is, and they tell us what they think went wrong. We then call Person #2 with Person #1 listening in to get their side of the story. And then inevitably, chaos ensues.
What’s the problem?
It’s always entertaining to find out the reason the second person is not getting back to the original caller. One thing for sure, is that it’s NEVER the reason that the original caller thinks it is. It’s always so far from what they thought it was. For example, the first person might think that the person isn’t calling them back because their friend was rude to them when they ran into them while out on their date. But the real reason is that they accidently took a crap in their planter while they were drunk and couldn’t face them once they remembered.
Sound a little “out there?” You have no idea! Well get ready because it’s about to get wild. Here are the Top 23 Second Date Updates of 2023.