Melissa’s Blog

Melissa’s Blog

Melissa’s Blog

Have you ever been told you look like your pet? You’re not alone. there is actually scientific evidence that this is a thing. Studies have been done that show humans choose pets that have some physical similarities to themselves for different reasons. One of those reasons is narcissism. There are also other examples of pets growing into looking like their owners.

Experiments have also been done. Sadahiko Nakajima is a psychologist who once did an experiment based on 500 people and their pets. You can see results of that experiment HERE.

In the meantime, we conducted an experiment of our own. Moreso, asked our listeners on the Getup Crew Facebook page to submit photos of themselves and their pets. If anyone has ever told them they looked like their pet, they posted. And we received hundreds of submissions. We posted them as they came in and boy, does this theory prove to be true. Here are some of the best examples we feel of people who look like their pets. If you have a submission, contact us on the Getup Crew Facebook page. 

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