The Most Dangerous Times to Drive in Massachusetts
No, this isn’t the latest Final Destination film. It’s a look at the most dangerous times to drive in Massachusetts.
I know what you’re thinking: “EVERY time is the most dangerous time to drive in Massachusetts!” Look, if you’re thinking that or saying that, you’re probably not wrong. As I wrote not too long ago, Boston road rage is bad, but it’s not the worst. That being said, the Massachusetts legislature did have to pass new traffic laws recently covering how much space drivers need to leave for cyclists and pedestrians. If you’re a MA driver and you missed that news, you should probably get caught up here.
This new piece from the insurance provider Assurance is called The Most Dangerous Times to Drive in Every U.S. State. Who better than Assurance to analyze a whole bunch of safety data, state by state, based on the number of fatal car accidents since 2016? What their number crunching determined is this. Saturday was the deadliest day for 42 states. And the deadliest time to be on the road? 10 states counted the 5-6 p.m. hour and the 8-9 p.m. hour as their deadliest.
The Most Dangerous Times to Drive in Massachusetts
But what of the Commonwealth? Massachusetts is one of the 42 states that counts Saturday as its deadliest day on the road. If you take weekends out of the equation, Tuesday winds up on top. And for the most hazardous time? The Bay State bucks the trend with the 6-7 p.m. hour as the one to be avoided.
Let’s actually wrap up on an ominous note by circling back to my Final Destination quip from earlier. When you analyze all the data, the most dangerous time to be on the road in Massachusetts is…a Saturday in July from 6-7 p.m. So maybe stick to Fridays and Sundays for your summer travels moving forward.

graphic via Assurance