13 Types of Women A Group Of Men Say They Should Never Date
It’s time for the men to retaliate. Earlier this week, a list had gone viral made by a group of women. The list was of places men should never take them on a first date. (You can see the entire list below). Items on the list included Cheesecake Factory, chain restaurants and many more. Since that list was released it has gone viral and has prompted some men to get together and release their own list. This one: “Women Men Should Never Take On a Date.” As you can expect this list has also gone viral and has gotten all of social media talking.
Included on this list: women on dating apps, women with a “party voice,” women who live alone, women with absentee fathers, women who travel regularly, women who drink alcohol regularly, models who only target men, women with ho friends, women with purple hair or any unnatural hair color, women with non ear piercings, women with an IG page, sex workers (only fans models, bottle girls etc.), women who dress like this in public, women with tattoos and single mothers. This isn’t the entire list but it is a good chunk of it. Now you can see why this list has caused quite the controversy on social media. Not sure it leaves many women left which was also the controversy about the list of places some women were saying they shouldn’t be taken on a first date.
We’d love to hear your thoughts and if you agree or disagree with both lists. For reference, we are including the initial list below of places a group of women say they should never be taken on a first date. Sound off on our Facebook pages and if there are some you feel have been left off the list that should be included, let us know.