This Is The Deadliest Highway in Massachusetts, How Often Do You Drive On It?
What are the deadliest roads in the country? Studies are constantly being done taking a look at fatalities on America’s roads. In 2020, about 38,000 people died in car accidents. And as you can expect, each state has a highway where there are more accidents and fatalities than others. So is the case in Massachusetts.
First, as far as traffic is concerned: According to some new analysis from, Boston traffic is not only the second worst in the country, but it’s the FOURTH worst in the ENTIRE WORLD! “Only drivers in London (156 hours), Chicago (155) and Paris (138) lost more hours in traffic in 2022” according to this study. But many say congestion is a good thing. According to transportation analyst Bob Pishue, “Congestion shows that the economy is moving. Traffic is a problem, but it’s reflective of people going to the office, running errands, shopping, visiting relatives, which are all good things.” Yeah, but try telling that to the hundreds of thousands of people who sit in traffic on the Expressway every week.
Now as far as the deadliest highway in Massachusetts, one road reigns supreme (in a bad way). I-495! According to, I-495 has 9.5 highway fatalities a year. In the grand scheme of things, when you look nationwide, 495 actually ranks very low with the rest of the country’s deadliest highways. Florida US 1 has 108 fatalities a year.
Now what about here in Massachusetts? We’ve ranked the deadliest highways in JUST our state and here’s what we found out.